Ah, websites
What am I playing
Happy 85th Birthday to Wendy Carlos
A mysterious mystery, no longer mysterious
It's democratic values, Charlie Brown
Believe it or not, we could still have the web we want
Another Highwayman down
The tortured artist stereotype
Chappell Roan trying to change the game
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
Live video
When you can't be an early adopter
Font Awesome buys Eleventy
IT Professionalism
I saw a wiener dog today
A world without Steve Albini
RIP Gary Floyd
The point
4,000 of my closest friends
Multi edit
In service of the groove
Apples to MPCs
How all of this works
RIP Damo Suzuki
Migration and loss
Zed's alive, baby
I knew I hated this game
Horizon Zero Dawn
What a gas
Entering the last console generation the hard way
Has it really been that long?
RIP Ryuchi Sakamoto
Get things done or die trying
Blog enters the 21st century
Building a useful homelab
RIP Burt Bacharach
RIP Yukihiro Takahashi
In praise of Jellyfin (so far)
Music I liked in 2022
Real ones we lost in 2022
RIP Terry Hall
I can't have nice things
RIP Angelo Badalamenti
In Praise and Defense of the Novation Circuits
Is this really it?
One year with Obsidian
Dark days ahead
RIP Julee Cruise
RIP Dave Smith
Yes, Virginia, there is a Microsoft version of that
Lite XL
Yes, this, etc.
365 days of type 9 from TRUF
Another day, another blog redesign
Utopian thinking
The FBI Guide to Internet Slang
Problems I'm glad I'm not dealing with
Is this it?
I salute you, MMT-8
Bob Moog and usability heuristics
A better way to keep notes
Figma organization for busy designers
Typora for Windows
The great un-googling
New device: Behringer TD-3
Adee - Figma a11y testing tool
Creating music during the pandemic
Cranking the engine back up
Can UX be remote?
Boring gear post (pedalboard layout
When you "have" to do a focus group
Hopefully The Last Word on Design Thinking
Programming CSS
Microsoft's persona spectrum
IDEO responds
PURE Framework
Design Thinking Considered Harmful
Making Heroes
No need for an abstraction layer with CSS Grid
Is the golden age of UX really over, and what does that really mean
On Mistral
Stealing your way to original design with Dan Mall
Inline validation considered harmful
Type on the web
Juicero teardown
Switching to Studio One
IKEA hacking for the studio
Linting HTML with CSS
It's grid time!
Front End Style Guides by Anna Debenham
Nielsen: Computer skills are worse than you think
Japanese logos
Disenfranchised by bad design
When to use "me" and "you" in a user interface
Don't Do It, No. 2137
Ignore (some) user feedback
In praise of Jeet
To icon or not to icon
Discovering, weekly
Meaningful CSS (Basically, what he said)
Semantics vs Objects and other scary CSS animals
Responsive tables
New Impercept EP
Photos from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Production design of High-Rise
Thirty Years of Coil's Horse Rotorvator
Desktop Neo
Live recording with local band the Nouns
RIP to the man who fell to earth
The Rebirth of Swans
Sketch leaves app store
New Impercept
Two kinds of people
Kraftwerk at the Masonic Temple in Detroit
In Every City? Wire's Drill
In Praise of the Alesis SR-16
Designing animations for vestibular disorders
What are we makin' doodles with?
Put the "designers should code" debate to rest
New typography
Enhancing Kirby with local workflows
Timber and Twig Reignited my Love for WordPress
Black metal campaign logos
Tour of JFK's TWA terminal
LukeW on dropdowns as a last resort
Unifying the systems. Or something
Photoshop Design Spaces
PowerPoint Justice
Material Sublime Theme
NYT blocks desktop access for employees
Showing passwords
Writing interface copy
New Pirate Bay logo
Hamburger update- totes fine
Bad townies
ARIA landmark roles
Wub is in the air
Mainstream success is super imminent
Smashing runs down Style Guide tools
RIP to Stan Freberg
My favorite recent mixing plugins
Thanks, Byword
Solving the seven sins of CSS
So long, and thanks for all the Lone Star tallboys
Editing images in CSS
My favorite albums of 2014
UX for enterprise
The lobotomized owl
Change is what the web is about
Everybody scrolls
Tables — no longer the devil
(A series of grunting noises)
Curmudgeons, get your facts straight
Better static sites with Jade
If you can't build it all, build a strong foundation
Harrison Mixbus first impressions
Diego Stocco's Rhythmic Processing
Hey screen designers on Macs
The enemy of done
Photo Shooting
The Equals
Uh Oh